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Simple Ways to Stretch Your Allowance

Posted: 2019-03-22

"What should I buy for lunch?"

"Where will I eat my merienda?"

"Should I grab dinner with my friends or just eat at home?"


These are just some of the questions that students grapple with everyday given the fact that 50% of their school allowance is allocated for food. But sometimes, they have a tendency to overspend on other things which results to a "money shortage" for food and other expenditures.

Here are some easy, ingenious ways to stretch that allowance.


  1. Bring your baon.

There are several ways to work this tip. One, instead of buying lunch at school, you can ask Mom to save dinner leftovers for you to bring to school the next day. Maybe you can just bring the ulam and buy rice at the canteen. But if you happen to be an extra-rice person, switch it up by bringing extra rice. If cooking is not for you, a big, hearty sandwich can also do the trick.


  1. Take advantage of coupons.

Discount or value meals coupons from various fast food restaurants are godsend. Take as much as you can and use the coupons as much as you need to. In this way, you will get huge discounts and enjoy your favorite fast food meal at the same time.


  1. Limit your unplanned lunch outs with friends.

Yes, eating out with friends make every meal taste so much better but what if you can't afford to eat out? Set a day to eat out with your friends and stick to that sched. If lunch is not possible, opt for cheap merienda fares like turon, banana cue, and pandog. Bonding is not about the food you eat but the company you keep.


  1. Spend within your means.

It is all about commitment, to your daily budget that is. It is so easy to succumb to the pressure of buying the latest bag, shirt or sneakers when you first receive your allowance. Especially, when your friends already have them. But you won't feel that way when your tummy starts growling out of hunger.

Spend within your budget and try to save a little from your monthly allowance. This gives you time to ponder if you really need that new phone case and open yourselves to the idea of buying something more important.